
8400 Ebeltoft, Denmark

Serveis que més agraden

Habitacions per a no fumadors
WiFi gratis




Ofertes i registre d'entrada per a 10 Person Holiday Home In Ebeltoft


10 Person Holiday Home a Ebeltoft està situat a Ebeltoft i ofereix instal·lacions a barbacoa.Els clients poden beneficiar -se d’una terrassa i d’un parc infantil.El WiFi gratuït està a la disposició dels convidats a tota la propietat.L’àmplia casa de vacances té 5 habitacions, un televisor, una cuina totalment equipada amb rentaplats i un microones, una rentadora i 2 banys amb bany o dutxa.L’allotjament no és fumador.L’aeroport més proper és l’aeroport d’Aarhus, a 19 km de la casa de vacances.



  • Nevera
  • Trona
  • Fogons
  • Assecadora
  • Cuina
  • Rentadora
  • Rentaplats
  • Microones


  • Lavabo
  • Tovalloles
  • Dutxa o banyera
  • Bany privat

Llengües que es parlen

  • Danès
  • Anglès
  • Alemany

Equipament audiovisual i tecnològic

  • TV
  • Ràdio


  • Prohibit fumar a tot l'allotjament
  • Habitacions per a no fumadors


  • Terrassa
  • Barbacoa

Animació i serveis per a famílies

  • Zona de jocs exterior per a nens
  • Zona lúdica infantil

Menjar i begudes

  • Tetera/cafetera

Característiques de l'edifici

  • Independent


  • Platja



  • Vibaek Beach
    4,9 km
  • Boeslum Beach
    5 km
  • Lyngsbaek-Femmoller Beach
    6 km
  • Draaby Beach
    7 km
  • Platja de Følle Strand
    19 km
  • Aéroport d'Aarhus
    14 km
  • Aeroport Hans Christian Andersen
    78 km
  • Aeroport de Midtjyllands
    95 km
Cafeteries i salons de te
  • Apelgren Jordt Coffee
    2,8 km
  • Lø CroQ
    3 km
  • Sir Henry
    3,1 km
* Les distàncies reals poden variar a mesura que es mesuren en línies rectes.


Costs for energy and water are usually not included in the price and will be charged according to consumption upon departure. Detailed information about the cost on side for the booked house and a deposit - if required - can be found in your DanCenter travel documents (rental statement). When booking, you will receive a confirmation from DanCenter by e-mail. In addition to the payment link, this will contain further information such as the house description, address as well information about how to get the keys. If you book within 21 days until arrival, you will receive the complete DanCenter travel documents only after DanCenter has received your payment. The booking confirmation from Booking.com is not considered as a rental document and does not entitle you to receive the key. Please note: In your Booking.com account, links and attachments sent by DanCenter will not be displayed. Therefore, check your regular email account/SPAM folder as well. DanCenter's payment terms and conditions apply. Booking.com's terms and conditions apply to cancellations. A prepayment of 25% of the rental price is due after booking is made, the balance due no later than 4 weeks prior to arrival. If you book less than 40 days before arrival the total rental amount is due immediately after booking. Services such as final cleaning, bed linen and other are optionally available for a fee, but only if listed as bookable extras in the house description. In case guest opts to clean the house themselves, a cleaning audit charge of 220 DKK will be applicable. If you are traveling to Sweden or Norway, services such as final cleaning, bed linen and other cannot be ordered. For more information, please check the house description in your DanCenter travel documents. Please book services at least 2 weeks before your arrival via the corresponding link in your DanCenter travel documents. Some properties may not be available for youth groups and/or business/trade travel. If this is the case, you will find information about this in the original house description in your DanCenter travel documents. For youth groups there are special conditions regarding deposit/final cleaning. Please ask DanCenter before booking or paying the booking. Cal abonar l’import total de la reserva abans de l’arribada. Dancenter t'enviarà una confirmació amb tota la informació del pagament. Un cop hagin rebut el pagament, t'enviaran un e-mail amb les dades de l’establiment, com ara l’adreça i el lloc on has de recollir les claus. No es pot fer soroll de les 22:00:00 a les 08:00:00.
10 Person Holiday Home In Ebeltoft

Sniff Hotels - 10 Person Holiday Home In Ebeltoft

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