Општа оцена

TripAdvisor: 9


Основни подаци

Gialtra, Edipsos, CEP: 343 00


The Vriniotis family winery is based in Gialtra, a small village in northern Euboea, 14 kilometers away from Aedipsos. The winery operates throughout the year and welcomes visitors who may taste its wines in a connoisseur guest room. The panoramic view from the winery premises is captivating, for one can behold the vineyard, the northern Euboekos Gulf, Aedipsos township and the Oreoi passage that leads to the Aegean sea. The private vineyard of 100,000 square meters is located in Gialtra and at the foot of Mount Telethrion with an altitude that varies from 200 to 450 meters. On its slopes grow the red Greek varieties of Vradiano, an old variety of northern Euboea -born-again due to the efforts of the Vriniotis winemakers- together with the Mauvrokountoura variety and the cosmopolitan Syrah; along side grow the white Greek varieties of Assyrtiko, Malagouzia, Aedani and Malvasia. The northern Euboea region is known for its therapeutic thermal springs, the inactive Lichada volcano and islands and its quality wines that led Homer in the Iliad to characterize the Histiaea land as «rich in vines» (Homer, Iliad, II 537).

Више смјештаја: Edipsos


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