
Општа оцена

TripAdvisor: 9
Pousada do Sestari Blumenau2775383 Pousada do Sestari Ascurra2794978


Основни подаци

Malia, CEP: 70007
Радно време
Mo-Su 08:30-23:00


CRETAMOTOR company welcomes you to the beautiful island of Crete. With 19 years of experience we do our best to provide you the best cars & motorbikes with the lowest prices. Our company is well known for our excellent service and we are recommended by major tour operators. CRETAMOTOR is a company, located in Malia Crete, aiming at providing high quality rent a car & motorbike services for any term period. Take the easy way to discover the island, exactly as you would like to with ease, safety, and confidence! All in the most economical way. Our fleet of the latest models and the attractive prices on car & motorbike rentals are the guarantee for your satisfaction. Our devoted and willing staff, offer a personal and professional service round the clock.

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