Impunzi Logistics Cape Town Airport Shuttle

Општа оцена

TripAdvisor: 9
Pousada do Sestari Blumenau1256225 Pousada do Sestari Ascurra2640968


Основни подаци

Matroosfontein, CEP: 8000
Радно време
Mo-Su 00:00-23:59


Impunzi Logistics always endeavors to deliver a guaranteed, prompt, efficient, safe, reliable and friendly shuttle service. We are the best point to point shuttle and transfer services for both locals and tourists alike. we offer 24 hour transfers from the cape town airport, We cater for a variety of requests for both single passengers and groups. These encompass : Point to Point Transfers for Groups or single passengers Day Tours Shuttle Service Airport transfers (Shared and private rides) We also offer Meet and Greet at Cape Town International Airport as well as a convenient and comfortable Door-to-Door transfer service that gets you from point to point. Shared Ride from the airport departs every hour from 7:00Am local time to 20:00PM

Више смјештаја: Matroosfontein

Hotel Verde Cape Town Airport

15 Michigan Street, Airport Industria, 7490 Matroosfontein, South Africa

Овај модеран хотел садржи савремени дизајн и налази се на само 400 метара од аеродрома Цапе Товн. Гости могу уживати у подручју шик-бар и 24-часовне Делију. Спаваће собе у хотелу Верде су стилски ...

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